TGIF on the Boulevard


Looking back over the past 8 years of accidental gardening, I have managed to carve out a new niche in my retired lifestyle. The learning curve has been steep at times and very empowering and rewarding at other times. Nature is very forgiving of foolish accidental gardeners, and knowing that, helps me to take risks in the interest of future benefits. I’m so grateful that I’m healthy and able to spend hours at a time in my backyard. So I’ll bring this 3-part dissertation to a close today, with my news of 2021 (No, nothing about COVID.)

Since 2013, not only have I begun to watch the weather and pay closer attention to the quality of the soil in my garden, but I have also tasted the resulting fruits of my labour (or attention) directly off the plant. I remember looking at a plant that I couldn’t identify and tasting the curly-tipped leaf, to discover that it was mustard, with a wonderful, spicy zing to it. I’ve shared my excess, fresh produce with neighbours and friends—in particular, one who has hens. They gobbled up whatever I offered!

About 6 years ago, my sister gave me about a dozen raspberry canes and 2 blueberry bushes. Unfortunately, I chose poor locations for them. All but 3 or 4 of the raspberry canes failed to prosper. The blueberries survived but needed a few years before the fruit came. Then, as the years passed and my gardening skills gradually improved, I realized that I needed to transplant the blueberries and to consolidate the raspberry bushes in better locations. That all happened in 2019. This year, since the beginning of July, I’ve picked and eaten a full serving of raspberries every day, and frozen the excess. I’m freezing blackberries that I can’t eat at this time. My blueberries will be ready in August and I’ll eat them off the bushes.

In 2020, my garden kept me busy and healthy, and at a 2m distance from almost everybody. My landscaper friend built me a second raised garden, 16′ x 4′ x 2.5′ tall. In it, I grew peas, kale, tomatoes and swiss chard …and overdid it, once again! So I gave a lot away. But the final act of my gardening story takes place in 2021.

In January, a friend told me that she wanted to sell her 8′ x 12′ glass greenhouse. That put a fire under me, to say the least. I looked around my backyard and made plans to bring in a backhoe to dig up an area for a third raised garden and for the greenhouse; to move plants around; to take away half of my first raised garden; to move that rich soil into the third raised garden; and to bring the disassembled greenhouse to my backyard. Such excitement! I have a whole new lease on retired life! Imagine what I’ll be able to do, in the dark days of winter, with plants growing in my greenhouse! I can hardly wait!


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