TGIF on the Boulevard

Hi, Neighbour, here are expressions that are similar in other languages:

          The early bird gets the worm.
          Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I’d like to encourage you to make a plan to get up and go for a short walk in the morning, with or without your kids …or your significant other, if you don’t have kids.

Developing a good habit of taking a walk in the morning, is dependent on getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, for adults. To do that could mean going to bed earlier at night. Getting to bed earlier is dependent on turning off all screens at least an hour, preferably 2 hours, before going to bed — and not allowing any screens in the bedroom. To successfully ban ‘screens’ from the bedroom, means keeping your computer,TV, tablet or phone, at night, in a room far away from the bedroom, behind a closed door (not in the bathroom near the bedroom!) — thereby resisting the temptation — or addiction? — to ‘just check’, to see if you’ve got mail…

          In French: L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt.
          (The future belongs to those who get up early.)

          In German: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
          (There’s gold in your mouth in the morning.)

It’s all very fine to say, you should take a walk in the early morning, but, as you can see, it’s not that simple to establish a good habit. It takes time and commitment and planning. So, if your kids aren’t there, invite a friend to join you on this journey. For starters, see if you can both commit to a short period of time — say, 4 weeks — of at least 5 morning walks per week. And name the days and the time to meet. Maybe, by our 100-foot flagpole on the Boulevard. If your friend has to miss a day, because of sickness or a family emergency, go alone. Then let things evolve, with time.

          In Spanish: El que madruga, Dios le ayuda.
          (The early riser, God helps him.)

          In Farsi: Sahar Khiz Bash Ta Kamrava Shavi!
          (He who rises at dawn, seeks to become a successful person.)

There are benches, if you need a rest. Take turns sitting on the bench, while your companion does isotonic exercises, 2m away, with a mask on. Isotonic exercises are done while standing on the spot, stretching or contracting muscles. For example, turning your head to the right for a count of 8 or more; then turning to the left. Then, tilting your right ear toward your right shoulder for a count of 8 or more; then your left ear toward your left shoulder. Give yourself a hug, stretching your shoulders and back, or push the elbow of one arm toward the other shoulder. Whatever stretching exercise you do, repeat it. The stretch feels better the second time.

          Merry Christmas          Joyeux Noël           Fröhliche Weihnachten

                       Feliz Navidad             Christmas Mobarak!           


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